What Makes YOU Happy?

I asked a bunch of my friends an important question:

What makes you truly happy?

This is a compilation of paragraphs where people tell us the answers to that. And I hope reading these can makes your heart feel warm and fuzzy feelings inside. Enjoy.

Best friends. They absolutely make me feel happy A LOT. I got my squad to hold me through the nightmares and the troubled times. Sometimes I feel guilty because I can’t always be there for them like they do. I feel like a stupid bad friend. But I love them more than anything in the whole damn galaxy.

Sleep. Every human needs sleep. I love sleep. It’s like a temporary escape from the reality. Well, I guess it’s a fact when people said that those who like to sleep a lot actually feel sad inside. I find out it’s true but sometimes I go to sleep because i just want to.

Memories in the past. Whether it’s bad or good, I’m happy to realize I’ve been through all of those amazing experience. It makes me happy, like such a reminder how far and how much I have survive until this second of my life. I’ve met some people who teach me a lot of stuff. How to be open-minded and appreciate others more. Even one of the person whom I love the most actually the one who hurt me so bad, I’m glad we met. He’s one important part in my life. He makes me feel like I deserve everything. When he annoyingly call me princess. Or when he remind me to be positive. I know y’all must have someone like him too in your life. Who give you a lot of memories. Maybe yeah it’s kinda hurt and give you pain once in a while. But that’s normal. From that you learn, even sunshine will burn if you get too much. So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting someone to bring you flowers. You’ll realize you’re strong and you don’t need someone to define you of who you are. With every goodbye, you learn.

I enjoy sushi, dessert, and the smell of the rain (obviously). But, the thing that actually makes me smile the most, is Phil Lester. Phil is just a wonderful guy, he’s so down-to-earth, he’s got a great sense of humor, and such a great personality. His videos brighten up my darkest days, and I’m just so grateful to be living at the same time as he does, despite our age difference.

Music. This may sound cliché but, music has helped me through my days. No matter they’re happy days, or just shitty days,music will always help me smile. I love any kind of music. But atm, I am so in love with Troye’s music. His lyrics have such deep meanings, and just everything about his music makes me so happy.

Books. Whenever I read a book, I feel like I’m in a whole new world. And I just love the feeling of it. Reading makes me forget all my problems. At least for a while.

I’m happy knowing someone really notice me. Like remembering something I did, said, or how I made them feel. It’s just that little thing that proves me that they care about me.

I would be happy, if people around me are happy. I know it sounds ambiguous, but it is the fact. Such as, when I met a stranger walking down the street and he is smiling to me. Ya, happiness is simple and easy. It doesn’t have to take a hard way to feel it.

So, my happiness is born from sincerity and simplicity. 

Friends, they make me really happy because without them, my life would be really boring. Especially in school, there will be nobody who can cheer me up if I’m feeling desperate about other things and lessons. My life wouldn’t be colorful without them.

Family. I couldn’t imagine what my life would be without them. They gave me anything to support my life.

That’s all from me guys. Hope you enjoy it! I want to ask you the same question:

What makes you truly happy?”

And let me know if you love these type of post and I’ll make them as a series!

People in this post (in no particular order):
Farah | Jovita | Rhea | Gena | Afifa

27 thoughts on “What Makes YOU Happy?

  1. I’m actually in love with this post. I made a post like this a couple months ago or so and in a previous iteration. Posts like these give me some inspiration to look for other things to enjoy and possibly get happy over.

    I love that the smell of rain makes you happy because when I say that people look at me a bit odd and say things like weather doesn’t have a smell or some thing similar, so seeing that makes me happy. Also, books and music are two of my go-tos to be happy. What’s your go-to favourite artist currently? I’m always looking for new music.

    I am so sorry this is such a long comment, I just adore posts like these.
    (Also, this post definitely helped inspired my next post for my Contentment Journal.)

    mchi | mchiouji — http://blog.mchiouji.me

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally realised that I didn’t change the way I wrote the comment, originally. I meant to make it more general because I know you asked others for their opinions, but I totally forgot when I was actually writing my comment. That’s what I get for commenting while tired. (ಥ_ಥ)

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Aw thank you so much! Yup, this kind of post is a really interesting one to read. Glad that it helped you!
      Someone once said to me that too. (Rain doesn’t have a smell). But I still love it. I love Blackbear and Alina Baraz atm! Not sure if it’s your cup of tea. That’s okay! And once again thank you x


  2. I love the idea of this post, it would be quite cool if you turned it into a tag and got other people to do it too!! X
    The Buttercup Baby 🌼

    Liked by 2 people

  3. A balanced mind is important for happiness, that you reflect on what’s happening to you in your life. I believe this. You may think that your creativity should flourish as you see fit, but my guess is that you will see in time that if you draw on your powers of focus, you will be a better blogger and a better writer overall. However, I’m just a blogger.

    Liked by 1 person

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