2016 Highlights & Recap

2016 is almost over! This year I’ve grown so much as a person that I thought sharing them would be the only fitting way to wrap up this year. Today, I’m going to reflect on the positive side, appreciate things I’ve achieved and look back on some memorable moments. Here’s my 5 highlights of 2016!

Starting a blog. This is one of the best decision I’ve made so far, hands down. I always have passion for writing since day one, and having a platform to be my creative outlet is the greatest thing for my little creative mind. I had another blog from when I was in elementary school until junior high (It was written in Bahasa), such a shame I never be able to stick with it. But I want a fresh start, and a fresh series of content, so here we are. I’ve had this blog for about 5 months now, and I’m so excited of what comes next, I have so many ideas planned for this blog!

Learning German. I always thought learning another language is so amazing, especially German. I’m in love with the country, the culture and also the people. I didn’t have the opportunity to learn it in my school, so I learned German language at Goethe Institute Jakarta. And I just finished level A1.3! But due to national exams coming up and I’m going to apply to university in the next couple of months, I postponed it for some time. Goethe is honestly one of my happiest place of all time, especially when I had a stressful day at school, this place brings out joy in me, all the people are so positive and the learning system is so great. I can wait to come back!

Eating healthier. Alright, calm down. I still eat a lot of junk food and I’m nowhere near eating healthy food. But I’m getting to it, I educated myself more about this whole thing, I even tried to cook healthy breakfasts! I still find it so hard because people living around me don’t really have the same view on things, especially when I don’t do the groceries shopping by myself.

Winning a writing contest at my school (and also a wall magazine contest). It’s such a little achievement, but I worked hard on my article and I’m so proud of it. Originally, I wanted to write a short story, but it didn’t really go very well. So I changed it last-minute, I wrote about ‘being yourself and to not give a crap on what everyone else says’ in Bahasa Indonesia, which is important because I don’t think there are enough article for self-love in Bahasa. Thanks to Connor and Troye for being my inspiration at that time though.

Meeting so many wonderful and amazing people online or in real life. Seriously, this year I’m getting to know a lot of new people for different aspects in my life, such as fellow bloggers, friends on fandoms and friends on my courses. And also, I met Oli White, one of my favorite Youtuber, when he was visiting Indonesia. (Bare in mind, nobody come here, so it’s nice to see Oli here. He is so lovely!). Reunited with my elementary & junior high school friends are also fun, seeing how much they have grown as a person this year.

I had the worst semester ever this year– but let’s not talk about that. I learned to look on positive side of things and be a happier person in general. I’m so thankful for my family and friends for all of the best memories in 2016, and also you guys reading this post right now, I know it’s a long one. I’m hoping 2017 will bring a lot more happiness and joy to reflect on next year, cheers to many more!

Also, what are yours? Share it in the comments because I absolutely love reading everyone’s highlights!

29 thoughts on “2016 Highlights & Recap

  1. My highlight was definitely learning more about myself this year and also meeting some super inspirational people. Great post! Hope 2017 treats you just as well as 2016 with some additional greatness ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is such a great recap of the year I bet it was really nice to look back over all your achievements of this year! Hope you have a great 2017 💖 -www.teaisawishyourheartmakes.wordpress.com

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was such a lovely post to read. (I’m currently working on my own version of this, but it’s taking forever!)
    I’m so glad that you were able to have a pleasant 2016 amongst all the negativity that happened this year. German is such a lovely language. I’m also learning it (well, picking it back up because I learned it in school previously) and it’s so strong but beautiful if that makes sense. Congratulations on winning your award for writing, wall magazine contest, and finding a way to try and eat healthier (I’m working on that last one more myself.)!

    I hope 2017 brings you the same happinesses as 2016 did and more.

    mchi | mchiouji — http://blog.mchiouji.me

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you so much lovely! I hope you can finish yours as soon as possible because I can wait to read them! Good for you, yes I agree with that part, German is so strong but very beautiful. I’m so thankful for all of that- yup, eating healthier is so important! You too, have a wonderful 2017. Once again, thank you!


  4. Loved this! I’ll definitely be doing a recap of my 2016. I’ve also started learning a language (Spanish) which I’m super happy about! 2016 has been a year with challenges but we made it! 💪

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yup, go for it! Anything that works for you lovely. I actually started out with an app called Duolingo and it’s such an interesting way to learn a new language. Hope you have a wonderful 2017 x


  5. There’s been so many highlights in 2016 for me! 💖 The biggest one would have to be my engagement, wow I still can not believe it! Then it’s probably everything with my blog, as I’ve had a really successful time with it recently. I loved reading this post, it was such a nice recap on the year and you’ve achieved a lot. I hope it continues into 2017 for youu you deserve it lovely.

    Gemma | http://www.anoceanglimmer.wordpress.com

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  6. Great list!!! I’ve done some pretty remarkable things this year that I thought I’d never do, and I feel like my overall confidence in myself has grown quite a bit. I can also say starting my own blog has been an epic achievement for me…while mine is still brand new, I hope I can find some solid direction with it next year! Thanks for sharing 💙


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